Press releases 2004

2004-05-10Press release

Finnvedens dependence on steel raw materials

Finnvedens dependence on steel raw materials Rising steel prices and their effects on Finnveden have to an ever-increasing extent attracted the interest of the capital market recently. Against this background, there is reason to inform the market about Finnveden?s dependence on steel raw materials.

2004-08-16Press release

Redemption of synthetic call options

Redemption of synthetic call options

2004-08-13Press release

Interim Report, January 1 - June 30, 2004

Interim Report, January 1 - June 30, 2004

2004-09-08Press release

Finnveden wins new business

Finnveden wins new business Finnveden?s successes in the automotive industry continue. Several new contracts have been signed and combined with orders received earlier this year sales are projected within a three-year period to rise by SEK 1 billion. The sales increases will occur successively as of 2005.

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